Friday, April 25, 2008



one of my flaws. these past couple years i have learned a tremendous amount about myself. one of the biggest, and probably most important to recognize, i get bored easily. i get bored with my major, my location, my job, my surroundings, etc. so i try to move on the next exciting thing and then it never turns out to be as exciting as i thought it was going to be. so i get bored. so does that mean im going to be disappointed for the rest of my life? i think im trying to find something that will forever entertain me and keep my interest. but im positive there is nothing like that anywhere... unless dane cook or wayne brady moved in. why do i get bored? i wish i could commit to something with no end date in mind. so do i want to leave the church because im bored? or do i genuinely think i shouldnt be there? well spending time with the Lord will answer that im sure. and since this quality isnt a matter of sin its just a character trait, i can say with confidence that God wired me this way for a reason. he wired me to desire change and thrive in changing environments. so now i just need to figure out how He wants me to use that for His kingdom and how i can use it as a tool.

reading time.


::bee:: said...

it's been four and half months...

come on girl. get it together!

Anonymous said...

this was really encouraging sarah--this is me right NOW.